We strive to provide the best solutions for your homes and businesses.
Residential and commercial buildings fitted with our excellent bathroom fittings.
Residential and commercial buildings furnished with our aesthetic sanitary wares.
•Queensland Grand Pakuwon •Brisbane Grand Pakuwon •Canberra Grand Pakuwon
•Kahuripan, Sidoarjo •Forest Cerme, Gresik •Private House, Barata Jaya
•Private House, Dukuh Kupang •Mosel Bay Pakuwon City •Casatobago Pakuwon City
•Zimbali Costa Pakuwon City •Suvadiva Pakuwon City
•IBIS Style, Surabaya •Eight Spa, Surabaya •SMPN 6, Surabaya
•Ruko Victoria Grand Pakuwon •Japfa Comfeed, Sidoarjo •Zip Laundry, Sidoarjo
•SiRIE Warehouse, Sidoarjo •Gudang Garam, Sumenep •Menara Kartika Buana, Kediri
•Warehouse, Margomulyo •Warehouse, Tambak Langon